What do we do?
FPTA educates state lawmakers and works with them to promote access to PT. ​​We recently modernized the PT Practice Act for the first time in more than 30 years, allowing you to practice emerging PT techniques, including dry needling. We also work to expand and protect health plan coverage of PT, and the ability for patients to have direct access to PT. Our digital platform also gives providers and patients a voice with lawmakers and regulators at the state and federal level.
Our team provides legal counsel and support for just about any issue you face. FPTA also provides continuing education courses so you can easily meet requirements.
We are your community. From large, state-level conferences to monthly pub nights in your city, FPTA provides networking opportunities for you to connect with other PTs and PT assistants.
We're on a mission to show Floridians of all ages that PT is critical to staying healthy. Our public awareness campaigns (like PT for ME) reach people across the state with the message that PT is the natural way to treat or recover from a wide range of health conditions.

We unite physical therapists and PT assistants. Together, we make a difference.